This endpoint is disabled by default for each business. Reach out to[email protected] to activate this endpoint.

Tickets can be created manually on the Dreamship Order Page, but businesses integrating Dreamship into their own platform can create tickets for line items through the API.

A successful ticket create will return the normal Order Data response which contains the line_item_ticket data. If you want to receive webhooks whenever a a ticket is opened and closed you can subscribe to the line-ticket-opened and line-ticket-closed webhook subscriptions.

This endpoint will not allow you to create a ticket unless the following conditions are met.

  • Order status is in ['partially_fulfilled', 'fulfilled', 'cancelled'].
  • Line item does not already have a ticket.
  • If reason is in ['wrong_item', 'damaged_item', 'missing_item', 'quality_issue', 'warranty'] there must be attachment files.
  • If reason is warranty the requested_action must be refund.
  • If reason is in ['warranty', 'missing_item', 'other'] the secondary_reason must be other.
  • If reason is quality_issue the secondary_reason must be in ['faded_colors', 'ink_issue', 'print_came_off_after_wash', 'print_misalignment', 'scratched_print', 'other'].
  • If reason is wrong_item the secondary_reason must be in ['wrong_color', 'wrong_size', 'wrong_style', 'other'].
  • If reason is damaged_item the secondary_reason must be in ['broken_item', 'scratched_print', 'hole_in_item', 'print_came_off_after_wash', 'other']
  • If reason is delivery_issue the secondary_reason must be in ['outdated_tracking', 'lost_in_transit', 'returned_to_sender', 'international_customs_issue', 'late_express_delivery', 'other'].
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!